Thursday, October 1, 2020

Blog #4: The Government cares about their image just as much as you do

In news, it is so difficult to come across valuable and reliable news sources that convey what is going on in the world. Often times, new stations and news companies are covering the same information and not scoping out bigger issues that may be going on in the United States, or the world. 

The question is, why might that be? How come the mainstream media does not cover issues like those covered in more discrete sites such as

The simple answer is this: 

Just as we like to control our image and how others perceive us, so does the government.

Fortunately, because of our first amendment rights, the government has limited control over what they can restrict and censor. For example, it might be more difficult to acquire and find more obscure websites, but the government cannot use prior restraint to prevent those journalist's articles to be unseen. The government cannot take down an article that may paint them in a bad light. It may be difficult to find these websites, but at least we can seek them out thanks to our first amendment rights. 

Strong writers and opinions can be intimidating. Media is used to create a sense of reality through our perception. Because of this, the media is incredibly important in defining what we know and believe. Thus, it is in the government's best interest to try to manage the information that is put out.

Take a look at this article from that reveals US bombings in Africa. In fact, the headline is "US Bombings in Africa: Why Are People Unaware?"

This article conveys the damage control that the United States government tends to try to use through various news sources. The one cited in the article shares how the headline of a New York Times article revealed that the US is "seeking authority to expand counterterrorism" when in reality, the US bombings are doing the exact opposite. Another example of intentional wording was at the beginning of quarantine. I remember seeing a TikTok that revealed a dozen or so news stations that were all saying the same things verbatim. It was a perfect example of media being mass communicated intentionally. 

Thankfully, we also live in a time where each individual American has the ability to be there own journalists just as I am able to talk about this right now. With smartphones and other technological devices, many are able to document and speak up about their beliefs through their own personal pages. This is how we can share and create discourse and often learn about other perspectives which is essential to bettering our communities. 

So I leave you with this: rather than depending on more traditional news sources such as FOX or CNN, try to explore other outlets that may share more about what you are interested in. Seek out new sources. Seek out opinionated pieces. And most importantly, share your voice because many others in this world do not have that freedom. 

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